- on the same wavelength as
- on the same wavelength asIn tune with, having the same attitude of mind, background knowledge, etc• • •Main Entry: ↑wave
Useful english dictionary. 2012.
Useful english dictionary. 2012.
on the same wavelength — ► thinking in a similar way and understanding each other well: »Members of the team must be on the same wavelength. Main Entry: ↑wavelength … Financial and business terms
on the same wavelength — If people are on the same wavelength, they have the same ideas and opinions about something … The small dictionary of idiomes
on the same wavelength — mod. thinking in the same pattern. □ We’re not on the same wavelength. Let’s try again. □ We kept talking until we were on the same wavelength … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
on the same wavelength — in agreement. Writing the screenplay was easy because Bill and I were on the same wavelength. Related vocabulary: on the same page … New idioms dictionary
on the same wavelength — adverb In rapport or complete accord. Luckily, the members of the committee were on the same wavelength, so we didnt have endless discussions about what words meant … Wiktionary
on the same wavelength — thinking similarly about something We have been on the same wavelength for months about the need for change in the company … Idioms and examples
on the same wavelength — understanding each other, communicating clearly I understand Ted s beliefs. We re on the same wavelength … English idioms
(be) on the same wavelength — be on the same ˈwavelength | be on sb s ˈwavelength idiom (informal) to have the same way of thinking or the same ideas or feelings as sb else • We work together but we aren t really on the same wavelength. Main entry: ↑wavelengthidiom … Useful english dictionary
be on the same wavelength — if two people are on the same wavelength, it is easy for them to understand and agree with each other. To my surprise, I found that we were absolutely on the same wavelength about most of the important issues. I can t discuss anything with her we … New idioms dictionary
be on the same wavelength — phrase to understand the way that another person thinks because you often have the same ideas and opinions as they do I feel like you and I are really on the same wavelength. Thesaurus: to understand somethingsynonym Main entry: wavelength … Useful english dictionary